
RedRaven is Flowserve’s complete end-to-end internet of things (IoT) solution for the industrial space. This connected platform gives you the tools and insights to monitor and optimize flow control equipment performance and proactively identify and address issues before they cause downtime and disruptions. 

Flowserve designed the RedRaven platform to give the insights and tools you need to monitor, analyze, and predict the performance of pumps, seals, and valves. The RedRaven platform includes a suite of solutions: hazardous area-certified equipment sensors, secure communication, performance analytics and trend reporting tools. It also has a range of offerings that can be customized to meet your plant’s unique needs. Options include condition monitoring services, which allow you to capture asset performance data for analysis, and predictive monitoring capabilities, which apply data analysis software and algorithms to identify and diagnose equipment problems. 

Benefits of Flowserve’s IoT products: 

Predict equipment behaviour. With trend analysis, you will be able to respond to problems quickly and minimize disruptions and downtime.  


Refocus maintenance efforts. Focus on assets that require attention; avoiding unplanned downtime can optimize maintenance efforts. 


Enhance equipment efficiency. By knowing where all your assets are on their respective pump operating curve, you can optimize them for maximum efficiency. 


Reduce costs. By being able to recognize when to schedule equipment maintenance and reducing spare part inventories, you can reduce total cost of ownership (TCO). 


Improve safety. With insights from the RedRaven platform, it can alert technicians to a problem and what the failure mode might be. Put RedRaven certified devices in hazardous locations — not your people.