
  • Stealth control valve trim reduces control valve noise and vibration in the most demanding gas applications. Stealth combines new advances in noise control with previously proven technologies to create the most effective device capable of eliminating noise in the most demanding services. In addition to reducing the pressure gradually, Stealth takes advantage of frequency shifting by providing small outlet holes which raise the frequency and lower the noise.
    Multi-Stage Stack Noise Reduction Trim
  • The StarPac 3 intelligent control system offers repeatability, accuracy and quick system response time with a small footprint and simple installation. It can stand alone or be integrated into a system, and is available for a variety of applications including oil and gas, chemical, paper, mining, industrial gases and power generation. Unique to the market, StarPac intelligent control systems give users an integrated view of the process at a single point and can improve plant operation at a lower installed cost than conventional control systems. The StarPac 3 builds on previous designs. Upgraded features include explosion-proof housing, USB and infrared interface, updated electronics, stainless steel options and enhanced positioner functions.
    Onboard Valve PID Control System
  • Kammer SmallFlow micro flow and low flow valves are designed for applications in a Cv range from 0.000063 to 4.7. The have high rangeability and reproduceable trim characteristics. Standard designs as well as special applications or materials available.
    Micro Cv
  • SideWinder trim prevents cavitation from forming and minimizes hydrodynamic noise in high pressure drop, low flow applications. Staged pressure drops eliminate cavitation by maintaining pressure above the vapor pressure, so that cavitation never forms. Using the proven DiamondBack advanced pressure drop mechanisms in an axial flow configuration producing precise control in low flow conditions.
    Low Cv Dirty Media Cavitation Trim
  • The Valtek ShearStream is a segmented, ball control valve that provides exceptional control and rangeability for the process industries. Designed to overcome the problems of harsh, particle entrained processes, ShearStream also provides accurate, reliable control in a broad range of applications, such as chemical, power and petroleum.
    Segmented Ball CL150-600
  • The NAF Setball SF valve is a cost-competitive, compact, rotary control, V-port ball sector valve that offers excellent rangeability and high-flow capacity. In comparison to the NAF Setball, the Setball SF offers a compact design with a short face-to-face.
    Short Face Segmented Ball CL150-300
  • NAF Setball ProCap Segmented Ball Valves are unique high-tech capping valves designed for automated filling of wood chips for batch digester applications in the pulp industry.
    Capping Valve
  • NAF Setball ProCap Segmented Ball Valves are unique high-tech capping valves designed for automated filling of wood chips for batch digester applications in the pulp industry.
    Capping Valve
  • The NAF Setball for Middle Consistency (MC) pulp is a ball sector valve with metal-to-metal seating and combines the best control characteristics of the ball valve and the butterfly valve. It can be used both as control valve and as shut-off valve and is available in flanged version. This valve type is developed for MC-pulp 8-19%. It has an enlarged outlet with one size bigger flange on the outlet to get an excellent flow characteristic for the MC-pulp out of the valve. It is available as standard in 1.4408/CF8M, CG8M and SMO254.
    MC Pulp Segmented Ball CL150-300
  • Setball Segmented Ball Valves are cost-competitive general service valves that offer excellent rangeability and high-flow capacity. NAF Setball can be used in a wide variety of applications and meets the highest demands for control accuracy provided by the equal percentage characteristic and the splined connection between shaft and sector.
    Segmented Ball CL150-300
  • The Valbart Rising Stem Ball Valve (RSBV) is the oil and gas industry's choice for applications requiring a mechanically energized metal seat or soft-seat to safeguard against losses from process contamination or leakage of material. Whether your needs call for molecular sieve switching, isomerization, thermal oil, high/low temperatures or critical services, the RSBV provides an unmatched level of robustness, reliability, and convenience.
    Rising Stem Ball Valve
  • The Flowserve Limitorque QX, non-intrusive electric actuator is designed for a wide range of environmental applications in power, chemicals, water, oil & gas, and general industries. The QX design builds on more than 20 years of proven MX technology to provide all the user-preferred features in a quarter-turn smart actuator package. 
    Non-Intrusive Quarter-Turn Actuators
  • The Valtek NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer is an active I/P Transducer that is used with a milliamp electricl control signal. It is interchangeable with the XL Series or Beta Series Pneumatic Positioners and can be mounted on either Valtek Linear or Valtek Rotary Actuators without modification.
    I/P Transducer
  • The Valtek NR diaphragm actuator is a compact actuator with high torque and pneumatic stiffness for excellent throttling capabilities. The splined shaft connection eliminates backlash for precise control. Designed for supply air pressures to 80 psi (6 Bar). The high stiffness and rolling diaphragm provides firm control from 0 to 90 degrees.
    Spring Diaphragm
  • The Limitorque MXa, non-intrusive electric actuator is designed for a wide range of environmental applications in power, chemicals, water, oil &gas, and general industries. 
    Non-Intrusive Multi-Turn Electric Actuators
  • Multi-Z valves are used if solids are entrained in the medium and if there is a possibility of cavitation forming. In addition this multiple stage valve is capable of reducing high-pressure differentials via a multiple stage relief process. Flowserve reduces pressure via division in partitions, a course which is different to that pursued by other suppliers. The major advantage is a noticeable reduction in wear combined with an extremely low-noise control valve. Likewise deviating from conventional procedures, in order to avoid cavitation a physically optimized technology has been implemented that achieves significantly better results.
    Heavy Dirty Media Cavitation Trim
  • MegaStream control valve trim reduces control valve noise and vibration in a wide range of gas applications. MegaStream works to reduce noise by up to 30 dBa through staging, frequency shifting, attenuation and velocity control. With decades of proven experience, the MegaStream control valve is the one of the most common solutions to control valve noise.
    Multi-Stage Cage Noise Reduction Trim
  • The MaxFlo 4 is a high-performance eccentric rotary plug control valve. The flow path is unobstructed by the shaft, allowing higher capacity for a given valve size. This noncrossover shaft design also eliminates shaft damage from erosive process fluids. The shaft is designed per ASME B16.34 Section 6.5 to prevent the stem from being removed while the valve is under pressure for increased safety.
    Eccentric Plug
  • Built from the same basis of design principles as the Mark One but fabricated from bar stock, the Mark Two is an extremely versatile control valve. Due to its constructions, it is available in many different configurations with shorter lead times than conventionally cast valve bodies, even in high-pressure classes or special alloys.
    Barstock Body
  • The Flowserve Valtek Mark Six is a globe-style, single-seat, top-entry automatic control valve with a fabricated extension for cold box cryogenic applications to -425°F/‑218°C. Mark Six bodies are constructed of bronze or austenitic stainless steel for high impact strength at low temperature and minimum heat transfer. Mark Six is designed for high flow capacity with a minimum of mass to reduce boil-off on valve cool-down.