Segmented (V) Ball.

  • Setball Segmented Ball Valves are cost-competitive general service valves that offer excellent rangeability and high-flow capacity. NAF Setball can be used in a wide variety of applications and meets the highest demands for control accuracy provided by the equal percentage characteristic and the splined connection between shaft and sector.
    Segmented Ball CL150-300
  • The NAF Setball for Middle Consistency (MC) pulp is a ball sector valve with metal-to-metal seating and combines the best control characteristics of the ball valve and the butterfly valve. It can be used both as control valve and as shut-off valve and is available in flanged version. This valve type is developed for MC-pulp 8-19%. It has an enlarged outlet with one size bigger flange on the outlet to get an excellent flow characteristic for the MC-pulp out of the valve. It is available as standard in 1.4408/CF8M, CG8M and SMO254.
    MC Pulp Segmented Ball CL150-300
  • NAF Setball ProCap Segmented Ball Valves are unique high-tech capping valves designed for automated filling of wood chips for batch digester applications in the pulp industry.
    Capping Valve
  • The NAF Setball SF valve is a cost-competitive, compact, rotary control, V-port ball sector valve that offers excellent rangeability and high-flow capacity. In comparison to the NAF Setball, the Setball SF offers a compact design with a short face-to-face.
    Short Face Segmented Ball CL150-300
  • The Valtek ShearStream is a segmented, ball control valve that provides exceptional control and rangeability for the process industries. Designed to overcome the problems of harsh, particle entrained processes, ShearStream also provides accurate, reliable control in a broad range of applications, such as chemical, power and petroleum.
    Segmented Ball CL150-600