Cashco, Inc. is a leading manufacturer and worldwide marketer of a broad line of industrial control products. Cashco, Inc. services their customers in industries including chemical, terminal storage, oil & gas, electronics, food and pharmaceutical through a worldwide network of offices and representatives.

Cashco manufactures a proprietary line of self-contained regulators and control valves. The regulators are self-sufficient valves that control the flow based on line pressure at the regulator. By contrast, control valves control flow based on an external signal coming from a controller. Cashco valves control liquids and gases in industrial applications. The valves are sold through a network of manufacturers’ representatives.

Cashco manufactures a full line of tank blanketing, pressure/vacuum conservation vents, emergency vents, flame and detonation arrestors. This market is specifically focused on oil & gas, storage facilities, terminals, and distribution centers.

Contact us for more information about how Cashco products can meet your operation needs.